Monday, March 20, 2006

Milosevic’s death: A political assassination blamed on the victim
By Sara Flounders

No one who has met with President Milosevic over the past four years would believe he would risk killing himself rather than finish his trial. And no one who visited Scheveningen in The Hague would believe the outlandish claims that somehow he was able to smuggle in unprescribed medications on a regular basis. They would instead suspect that the authorities were desperately trying to cover up their own crimes.
Now the world is asked to believe that Milosevic is responsible for his own death. It is a scenario so incredibly complex, an elaborate suicide story that is as improbable as the charges he was facing.

The bought-and-paid-for corporate media are accepting and propagating the story of his death in the same servile fashion they accepted the very existence of this illegal court and the justification for the destruction of Yugoslavia.

Milosevic is now gone. But his summation, answering two years of the prosecution case, and his opening defense speech live on. He has left a ringing indictment of U.S. and European big-power intervention in the Balkans in a historic document that follows an “I accuse” format. His speech, which contains extensive documentation and factual detail, has been published in Serbian, Greek, French, Russian and English.

This response, “The Defense Speaks—for History and the Future” (IAC 2006), will stand long after the tawdry war propaganda has collapsed.

The Defense Speaks - for History and the Future
Opening defense statement at The Hague
By President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic

With an introduction by former US
Attorney-General Ramsey Clark.
Available at

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