Civil Liberties, Health Care, Food Policies
Agent Orange Victims Aren’t Enough for Monsanto; Now GM Food
March 11, 2010
Veterans Today - I have written about the evils of the company called Monsanto several times now.
For those of you who do not know, Monsanto was not only the largest producer of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, but the components of Agent Orange that they produced consisted of the highest concentration of dioxin – which is one of the deadliest poisons known to man.
Monsanto is the maker of Round-up. Monsanto was the maker of Aspartame. Monsanto is now the world’s largest producers of GM (Genetically Modified) seeds in the world.
Aside from trying to play God and manipulating life at its very core, Monsanto strong-arms farmers to buy their seeds, and if they do not, the farmers are sued, taken to court, caused to file bankruptcy – and in the case of India, hundreds have committed suicide as a result.
The crop yields promised by Monsanto is NOT what is resulting. The reduction in use of the herbicide Round-up is NOT what is resulting.
We now have several cases pending at the Federal level that could indeed put this company out of business for good, but we need your help. Remember friends, this is the company that killed and maimed so many of us and other innocent victims -- and now, three generations later, the terrible affects are no where near gone.
How would anyone use their products, eat food from the crops of their seeds, is beyond me. But even worse, the gene manipulation that is taking place could indeed cause such calamity in the human race as well as our environment -- unknown horrors will indeed occur.
Our fellow activist and colleague, Mr. Len Aldis, is a man who has done more for Agent Orange Victims here in Vietnam than anyone else I know.
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It is this kind of grass roots movement that we MUST have to end the insanity known as Monsanto.
Agent Orange Victims Aren't Enough for Monsanto; Now GM Food
Pressure On Monsanto needs to keep increasing, to avoid more deadly consequences from the folks who brought the world Agent Orange; this time is it genetically modified food.March 10, 2010 - It is to be hoped that the ruling of the court will be in favour of common sense; in short the safety of our food, so essential to every man, woman and child on this planet. It is nothing short of a crime that one company, namely Monsanto, has control of 95% of the seeds being planted for food.
Scientists in many countries are divided on the issue of whether GM is good for us. Yet with all the arguments for or against, how is the parent wanting to feed their family to make an assessment of what product on the shelf is safe to buy?
The answer for me is avoid any food, seed, or a product made with an ingredient from Monsanto. I, like many of you readers, would have read of the thousands of Indian Farmers that have committed suicide due to being forced to purchase Monsanto seeds. Whereas before farmers saved the seeds from their crops to plant for the following year, this is now not allowed, indeed it is against the law, Monsanto’s Law, enforced by Monsanto’s pack of lawyers.
Such practices cannot be allowed to continue; while there has been some success in the courts against Monsanto, the overwhelming rulings have been in favour of the company, spelling disaster for the farmer and his family, leading many to bankruptcy, hence the rash of suicides in India.
How has Monsanto become so powerful? Anyone who has followed the history of the company will know of the ‘Revolving Door policy’. Countless numbers of Monsanto ‘employees’ have gone on to to be government ‘employees’. And countless government ‘employees’ have, on leaving government, been taken on by Monsanto. It is tragic that within the present Obama administration, this policy has continued.
One year ago the US Supreme Court denied the appeal by lawyers for over 4 million Vietnamese seriously affected by Agent Orange. They also denied the appeal by US Veterans suffering from Agent Orange. The victors of that disgraceful ruling were the 37 chemical companies that manufactured Agent Orange -- no prizes for guessing that the leading company of the 37 was Monsanto.
But even more scandalous was that Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Stevens declined to take part in the case, a case that involved over 4 million plaintiffs. No reason was given for them declining, nor was any reason given why another Justice namely Clarence Thomas, did not decline to take part. For two years he worked as a corporate lawyer in the pesticide and agriculture division of Monsanto.
Whatever the ruling by the court, the campaign for safe food has to continue as does the campaign seeking justice for the victims of Agent Orange... to win, Monsanto has to be stopped….