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The largest indigenous movement in decades battles to save the Amazon Basin from oil exploitation
Part 2 view
On Aug 2nd Israeli police evicted Palestinian families from E. Jerusalem, but could the reverse happen? view
Who profits from Israeli occupation?
Boycotted by activists, the Israeli company AHAVA is backed by one of Israel's most powerful families View
What Actually Happened in Fatah's Elections?
CIA-Trained Security Chiefs Elected to the Palestinian Leadership
By Esam AL-Amin
The U.S. government has been meddling in the Palestinian internal affairs since at least 2003. Its effort is to transform the Palestinian national movement for liberation and independence into a more compliant or quisling government, willing to accede to Israel’s political and security demands. Continue
Green Shoots or Scorched Earth?
Bulletins From Clunkerville
By Mike Whitney
Toxic assets, falling home prices, widespread malaise in the credit markets are just part of the problem. The deeper issue is the dismal condition of the US consumer who has seen his home equity dissipate, his retirement funds sawed in half,his access to credit curtailed, and his job put at risk. Continue
Ralph Nader on Secret White House Agreements with the Drug Industry
By Democracy Now!
What we’ll end up with is another patchwork piece of legislation, allowing huge and expanded profits for the health insurance companies and the drug companies, and continuing this pay-or-die system that has plagued this country for decades, a system that takes 20,000 lives a year, according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. That’s about fifty to sixty people who die every day. Continue
Six Lobbyists Per Lawmaker Work on Health Overhaul
By Jonathan D. Salant and Lizzie O’Leary
If there is any doubt that President Barack Obama’s plan to overhaul U.S. health care is the hottest topic in Congress, just ask the 3,300 lobbyists who have lined up to work on the issue.
That’s six lobbyists for each of the 535 members of the House and Senate, according to Senate records, and three times the number of people registered to lobby on defense.
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