War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength
By John Pilger
Barack Obama, winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, is planning another war to add to his impressive record. In Afghanistan, his agents routinely extinguish wedding parties, farmers and construction workers with weapons such as the innovative Hellfire missile, which sucks the air out of your lungs.
$600 Billion And
10 More Years of War in Afghanistan : McCaffrey:
By Thomas R. Eddlem
The U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Barry McCaffrey told MSNBC's Meet the Press Sunday that the United States faces 10 more years of war in Afghanistan. Continue
Saving Face in Afghanistan
By Ron Paul
We overthrew the Taliban government in 2001 with less than 10,000 American troops. Why does it now seem that the more troops we send, the worse things get? If the Soviets bankrupted themselves in Afghanistan with troop levels of 100,000 and were eventually forced to leave in humiliating defeat, why are we determined to follow their example? Continue
What, Exactly, is Being Fought in Afghanistan?
By M. Reza Pirbhai
Washington insiders do not mention that the Taliban’s “harsh form of oppression on women and others,” which everyone from Madeleine Albright to Hillary Clinton have argued provides cause for war, is not a concern when relations with ‘Wahhabi’ Saudi Arabia are pursued. Continue
Arundhati Roy: ‘I’m here to understand what you mean by Taliban’:
When we say we must fight the Taliban or must defeat them, what does it mean? I’m here to understand what you mean when you say Taliban. Do you mean a militant? Do you mean an ideology? Exactly what is it that is being fought?
US Bans Pictures of Dead Soldier : The U.S. military in eastern Afghanistan has changed its media embed rules to ban pictures of troops killed in action.
Veteran Army Officer Urges Afghan Troop Drawdown: A veteran Army officer who has served in both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars warns in an analysis now circulating in Washington that the counterinsurgency strategy urged by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal is likely to strengthen the Afghan insurgency, and calls for withdrawal of the bulk of U.S. combat forces from the country over 18 months.
John Bolton Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran
By Daniel Luban
Discussing Iran during a Tuesday speech at the University of Chicago, Bolton appeared to call for nothing less than an Israeli nuclear first strike against the Islamic Republic. (The speech, sponsored by the University Young Republicans and Chicago Friends of Israel, was titled, apparently without a trace of irony, “Ensuring Peace.”) Continue
Pentagon Cites 'Urgent' Need for Mega-Bomb to Take Out Hidden Bunkers: Pentagon is speeding up delivery of a colossal bomb designed to destroy hidden weapons bunkers buried underground and shielded by 10,000 pounds of reinforced concrete
Indict Dick Cheney
Keep America Safe
By Scott Horton
If you enjoy fear-mongering, here’s a not-for-profit organization for you: Keep America Safe. William Kristol and Liz Cheney are the dynamic duo behind it. Continue
Benito Mussolini Recruited by MI5: Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5
The Rich Have Stolen The Economy
By Paul Craig Roberts
The political system is unresponsive to the American people. It is monopolized by a few powerful interest groups that control campaign contributions. Interest groups have exercised their power to monopolize the economy for the benefit of themselves, the American people be damned.
The people vs Wall Street: Amidst the economic wreckage, after 7 million job losses and approaching 2 million home foreclosures in the US alone, with businesses and consumers around the world still struggling to get finance after the long credit crunch, Wall Street is finally on trial. A little piece of Wall Street, at least.
Goldman Sachs posts massive profits: US bank Goldman Sachs has posted third-quarter profits that are more than three times the earnings it made at the same time last year.
Goldman Sachs: Your tax dollars, their big bonuses: Goldman Sachs is having a banner year, and is getting a big boost from government programs.
"Defiant" UN Backs Israel War Crimes Report
By Gavin Cordon, Press Association
Britain and France today failed in an attempt to delay a crunch Middle East vote at the UN, amid warnings by Israel that it could derail the peace process. Continue
Despite promises to Obama, construction continues in dozens of W. Bank settlements: Human rights activists monitoring the West Bank report that despite commitments Israel made to President Barack Obama's administration last month, widespread building activity commenced three weeks ago in at least 12 settlements.
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