Monday, January 04, 2010

A Super Power Of Near Demonic Dimensions

Prof Noam Chomsky

Posted Jan. 01, 2009

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War on Terror or War on Disaffected Yemenis?

Interventions R Us

By Ron Jacobs

As if the US interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan were not enough to satiate the Empire’s bloodlust, the calls are increasing for an all-out war on the nation of Yemen.



Ridding America Of The Warmongers

By Sherwood Ross

America today is a warfare state, the most powerful ever, and its leaders lie when they claim that small countries half way around the world with $5 billion annual military budgets represent a threat to Washington, which spends roughly $800 billion a year for war. That’s more, by the way, than the $780 billion all 50 state governments combined collected in 2008 to run the country.


World’s Sole Military Superpower’s 2 Million-Troop, $1 Trillion Wars

By Rick Rozoff

With a census of slightly over 300 million in a world of almost seven billion people, the U.S. accounts for over 40 percent of officially acknowledged worldwide government military spending with a population that is only 4 percent of that of the earth’s. A 10-1 disparity.



Is the US war machine gearing up for yet another criminal war, this time against VENEZUELA?

Venezuela says US violating its airspace from Dutch islands of Curacao, Aruba: Venezuela's government said Thursday that U.S. military counter-drug flights from nearby Dutch islands are violating its airspace in preparation for an attack. A U.S. official denied the allegation.

Venezuela bracing for US act of 'aggression': In a statement, Venezuela's foreign ministry called on the international community to condemn alleged incursions into its airspace by US military drones launched from Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles.

Chavez warns foes against coup attempt: “If something like that occurs to you, our counterattack is going to be firm. I’m warning you,” Mr Chavez said.

CIA Agents assassinated in Afghanistan worked for “contractor” active in Venezuela, Cuba: Since June 2002, USAID has maintained an Office for Transition Initiatives (OTI) in Venezuela, through which it has channeled more than $50 million USD to groups and individuals opposed to President Hugo Chávez.


Afghan Civilians Handcuffed And Killed By US Occupation Forces: Report

Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghan civilians, including children

By Jerome Starkey In Kabul

American-led troops were accused yesterday of dragging innocent children from their beds and shooting them during a night raid that left ten people dead.



Threats to Yemen Prove America Hasn't Learned the Lesson of History

By Patrick Coburn

There is ominous use by American politicians and commentators of the phrase "failed state" in relation to Yemen, as if this some how legitimised foreign intervention.

It is extraordinary that the US political elite has never taken on board that its greatest defeats have been in just such "failed states"



Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010

By John Pilger

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell described a superstate called Oceania, whose language of war inverted lies that “passed into history and became truth.

‘Who controls the past’, ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’.



Detroit Airliner Terror Incident

A Convenience Theory

By Grant Lawrence

I am not one that sees conspiracies everywhere, but I do like a good Convenience Theory...

For the last couple of months Saudi Arabia has been bombarding Yemen with fighter jets. Just recently the US sent cruise missles into Yemen in a reported attempt to hit Al Qaeda sites. Also, US fighter jets joined the attacks on Yemen. In return, Al Qaeda reportedly issued a warning that it would avenge US raids.

Now it appears that the Detroit bound Airline Terrorist Suspect from Nigeria has supposed links to Yemen. Or at least the suspect is supposedly saying his bomb was made in Yemen.

Well just when America needs a good excuse to attack Yemen, conveniently we have one. Now never mind that we have initiated the US and Saudi attacks before this recent terror attempt. Just keep in mind that the Nigerian is a Yemeni terrorist....

Something smells of a needed convenient incident to help promote the attacks on Yemen and the expansion of our terrorist war there....

Grant Lawrence - Visit his blog


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