Larry Wilkerson: The NSA's illegal gathering of almost all means of communication sacrifices privacy without improving national security
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Larry Wilkerson: The appointment of Susan Rice as National Security Advisor and nomination of Samantha Power to the UN is a concern as both favor using military power to intervene in other countries affairs
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David Swanson: Samantha Power advocated regime change in Libya when UN resolution was specifically restricted to defense of Benghazi
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Twenty years after the Oslo Accords which promised to end the Israeli occupation with a two-state solution, the alternative democratic solution is gaining traction
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Outside Ft. Meade where Bradley Manning's trial will take place, hundreds rallied to say that Obama Admin. attacks on whistle-blowers is an attack on democracy (Note: estimates of crowd size varied from 500 to over one thousand).
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Over 1,000 Bradley Manning supporters from around the country rally outside Fort Meade, Maryland ahead of Manning's June 3rd trial.
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Michael Ratner: The government uses a sledge hammer to go after "truth tellers" Bradley Manning, Jeremy Hammond and Julian Assange
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